What to submit?
I am a mountain girl and I love mountain weddings. Plain and simple.
In other words, I welcome real mountain wedding submissions from photographers, vendors, and real brides. If you are a real bride or vendor, be sure to secure permission to use the images from the photographer, who owns copyright.
I especially love unique, handmade, artful, rustic, vintage, and whimsical weddings. However, if you have an elegant, romantic, classic, or modern mountain wedding, submit it. I love them all!
- At least 25 images that show the highlights of the day and tell a story. Be sure it include lots of great detail shots
- Must be a mountain wedding. We’re not super picky about which mountain range, or how high the mountain has to be.We welcome them all: Sierra Nevada, California Coastal, The Cascades, The Rockies, The Appalachians, The Whites, The Catskills, you name it! If it’s a mountain wedding, we’ll consider it.
- Must provide a list of vendors.
- A short description of the day. What was unique and most beautiful about the wedding.
- We prefer hearing hindsight advice from the bride/couple. In particular the following questions:
- Briefly tell us a bit about your wedding and the planning process and any DIY or handmade elements you incorporated
- What are three things you’re glad you did
- Three things you wish you had done
- Three things you wish you hadn’t done
- Three things you wish you hadn’t worried about
- What is your very best hindsight advice?
- We prefer hearing hindsight advice from the bride/couple. In particular the following questions:
How to submit?
Two bright lights
The easiest way to submit a wedding is through Two Bright Lights

online submission form
Please make sure you do the following:
- Attach 25 or more images in a zipped file (or compressed if you have a mac.)
- Each image should be 600 px across and 72 dpi
- Name each image with your own name, and a keyword. For example: “RadPhotog-Bouquet.jpg”
- Include a list of vendors who worked on the wedding
- If you can, include the brides/couple’s hindsight advice (see above for a list of questions)
- Send email to [email protected]